From identifying opportunities in the fast-paced small commercial market to launching a line of products and measuring performance, Verisk has data, analytics, and expertise to help you succeed and grow.
The market-ready essentials to build strategically are all in one place with our full range of small commercial solutions.
The work that drives a profitable small commercial program never stops; that’s why our solutions span the value chain.
Strategic expansion demands real-time intelligence about the competitive small commercial landscape—and your own portfolio.
Whether you’re just entering small business insurance or fine-tuning your market strategy, you can see more clearly and react faster to changes with diverse, powerful analytic solutions to support benchmarking and planning your next moves.
From strategic perspective to tactical detail, find practical solutions to your toughest challenges.
Join granular premium and loss experience data to guide important decisions about your portfolio. Plus, benchmark your results against an unmatched property and casualty database.
Get actuarial support and ISO product consulting from Verisk actuaries and product experts.
Get loss cost analyses for primary, excess, or reinsurance, based on a comprehensive loss history database.
Keep property owners better protected with reliable, component-based, claims-driven replacement cost estimates.