Accurate risk selection, classification, and segmentation can unlock profitability. But getting it right doesn’t have to slow you or your personal property customers down.
Get multilayered, insurance-ready personal property data and analytics to drive smart decisions.
Bring more personal property leads to bind with automated purchasing that boosts conversion rates and customer satisfaction.
Start and stay profitable with personal property solutions that support you and your customers from point of sale through renewal.
Evaluating property risk is increasingly complex and data-intensive. You can simplify workflows and accelerate underwriting and rating with one consolidated, wide-ranging, continually updated source.
Equip your underwriters to assess risk confidently on every level—and help your customers protect their most important investments.
Keep homeowners better protected with replacement cost estimates built on real-world claims and multisource data.
Get risk-specific, address-level information for every property in your book of business.
Know the health and age of a structure’s major systems to support accurate risk assessment.
Achieve precise and optimized quotes by integrating claims data upfront, plus a new crash report enhancement for auto.
Assess the age of a structure’s roof using deep industry experience and advanced data science.
Use virtual inspection capability to efficiently gather and confirm critical information.
Uncover risks and bring application data to life with high-resolution aerial imagery.
Refine pricing and segmentation with the predictive power of hundreds of attributes and environmental factors.
Tap the profit potential in renewals with timely data that overlays property and homeowner changes.
Pull critical homeowner underwriting data forward with a configurable solution.