Claims Solutions
Make more accurate estimations with data-driven analysis.
Streamline your day-to-day claims workflow, identify severity early, and enhance customer satisfaction, all while reducing costs.
Managing a claim is a complex process—one that requires coordination and collaboration from beginning to end. Verisk gives you everything you need for highly effective, full-cycle claim management and valuation tools.
Streamline end-to-end claims, provide accurate valuation, save time, and better allocate resources. Delivering fair, timely claim settlements improves customer satisfaction and benefits your bottom line.
Optimize every claim stage with Verisk’s solutions. Use predictive analytics for early triage, accurate property loss estimates, and advanced weather analytics. Enjoy better workflow, customer satisfaction and profitability.
Manage property claims precisely and efficiently with Verisk tools. Estimate structural and personal property claims seamlessly with automated workflows.
Unexpected costs can result from liability, workers’ compensation, nursing liability, medical costs and Medicare set-asides, extreme weather, and other catastrophes. Get state-of-the-art tools to anticipate and handle these costs.
Explore our family of products designed to simplify and automate your claims management process.
Accelerate the claims process with solutions that automatically populate key data and help route claims to the right areas, saving time on the front end and streamlining the subrogation process.
Streamline record review and validate key claim information such as weather information to ensure greater accuracy while reducing processing time.
Identify and prevent fraudulent claims by finding the critical data you need. Close the information gap and stop fraud leakage with robust industry analytics.
Satisfy state and federal claims reporting requirements automatically within your workflow. Reduce your exposure with comprehensive reporting to help you stay compliant and prevent fraud.
Our collaboration and document management tools help you resolve claims in less time to get payments into your customers’ hands and recover subrogated payments quickly.