JERSEY CITY, N.J., February 17, 2015 — Verisk Analytics (Nasdaq:VRSK), a leading source of information about risk, announced that Beth Fitzgerald, president of ISO Insurance Programs and Analytic Services, a Verisk Analytics business, was among those from the insurance industry invited to attend the White House Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection Summit at Stanford University on Friday, February 13. Stakeholders from the insurance, financial services, and technology industries, among others, met to discuss the critical issues related to cybersecurity.
“It’s clear from the President’s remarks that cybersecurity is an issue of national importance,” said Fitzgerald. “The White House summit emphasized the critical need for both the private and public sectors to come together to fashion solutions to help protect not only the nation but also businesses, critical infrastructure, and consumers. Verisk was honored to be invited as part of the Obama Administration’s recognition that the insurance industry is a critical stakeholder in offering one of the solutions to this all-important national threat.”
About Verisk Analytics
Verisk Analytics (Nasdaq:VRSK) is a leading provider of information about risk to professionals in insurance, healthcare, financial services, government, and risk management. Using advanced technologies to collect and analyze billions of records, Verisk Analytics draws on vast industry expertise and unique proprietary data sets to provide predictive analytics and decision support solutions in fraud prevention, actuarial science, insurance coverages, fire protection, catastrophe and weather risk, data management, and many other fields. In the United States and around the world, Verisk Analytics helps customers protect people, property, and financial assets. For more information, visit
Giuseppe Barone/Colleen Finley
MWW Group (for Verisk Commercial Property)