JERSEY CITY, N.J., June 21, 2004 — Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) has unveiled a new version of its powerful link-analysis software that visually displays connections among claims to help property/casualty insurance companies investigate claims fraud.
ViewLink ManagerTM is an advanced fraud-investigation tool that enables users to visualize direct and indirect links among data elements and claims. The new 4.5 version now complements its link-analysis capability by providing direct access to a variety of public-records information, including names, addresses, telephone numbers and Social Security numbers. Investigators can query and visualize public-records data alone or with ISO ClaimSearch® data.
ISO ClaimSearch is the property/casualty industry's most comprehensive fraud-fighting resource and repository of more than 370 million bodily injury, property damage and automobile claims records.
ViewLink Manager is a desktop software application for claims personnel and fraud investigators. It also serves as the front-end data-visualization tool for ISO ClaimSearch. The system allows investigators to apply the principles of link analysis to claims information.
Claims investigators can query ISO ClaimSearch and other public-records databases to analyze claims on individuals, organizations and vehicles. Within minutes, ViewLink Manager can automatically retrieve and graphically display the results and store them for each investigation in a local database on the investigator's desktop.
When ViewLink Manager detects a relationship that may indicate a potentially fraudulent activity, it displays a "red flag" indicator, such as "parties linked to multiple claims" or "individuals using alias names."
About ISO
ISO is a leading provider of products and services that help measure, manage and reduce risk. ISO provides data, analytics and decision-support solutions to professionals in many fields, including insurance, finance, real estate, health services, government and human resources. Professionals use ISO's databases and services to classify and evaluate a variety of risks and detect potential fraud. In the U.S. and around the world, ISO's services help customers protect people, property and financial assets.
Release: Immediate
Giuseppe Barone / Erica Helton
MWW Group (for ISO)
201-507-9500 /