JERSEY CITY, N.J., October 22, 2001 — Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) has expanded ISO IntegRaterTM to electronically deliver commercial property and commercial package policy, loss costs and rating factors, so insurers can directly incorporate the information into their rating and policy-issuance systems.
ISO IntegRater initially delivers loss costs and rating information for all states for which an insurer participates on a CD-ROM. Loss costs are projections of future claim costs — a key ingredient insurers need to develop premiums.
Insurers can download updated information with any changes from ISOnet®, ISO's Internet information-delivery platform, allowing for speed, accuracy and ease of loading data into their systems. The updates track ISO approval circulars.
ISO announced the availability of commercial property and commercial package policy information in ISO IntegRater at the CPCU Society's annual conference in Seattle.
The first product on ISO IntegRater — general liability advisory loss costs information and rating factors — became available in first-quarter 2001.
Insurers use ISO commercial property loss costs and rating factors to rate commercial property coverages.
ISO commercial package policy premium modification factors allow for the combination of information from two commercial lines of business. The premium modification factors can be used when both property and liability coverages are included in a multi-line policy under the rules of ISO's Commercial Lines Manual.
Insurers using ISO IntegRater can select data by line of business, filing identification number, circular number, update date, state, table number and implementation date.
"We were confident when we developed ISO IntegRater late last year that insurers could get ISO rating information in a common, easy-to-use electronic format to significantly reduce costs and improve rating accuracy," said Christopher H. Perini, ISO's vice president — marketing.
"Insurers are already using ISO IntegRater to eliminate the time-consuming, error-prone and expensive re-keying of ISO rating information into their systems. They can now bring the same efficiencies to commercial property and commercial package policies," Perini added.
ISO commercial auto and businessowners policy information on ISO IntegRater will be available in 2002.
ISO IntegRater uses a delimited format to deliver the information. Customers select the information they need by accessing a search utility from the ISOnet website.
For more information on ISO IntegRater, contact ISO Customer Service at 800-888-4476, or by e-mail at
ISO is a leading source of information, and products and services related to property and liability risk. For a broad spectrum of commercial and personal lines of insurance, ISO provides statistical, actuarial, underwriting and claims information and analyses; consulting and technical services; policy language; information about specific locations; fraud-identification tools; and data processing. In the United States and around the world, ISO serves insurers, reinsurers, agents, brokers, self-insureds, risk managers, and insurance regulators and other government agencies.
Release: Immediate
Giuseppe Barone / Erica Helton
MWW Group (for ISO)
201-507-9500 /