NEW YORK, October 20, 1998 — Futurist and author Dr. Bill Bruck will be the keynote speaker at the AISG InsTech98 Conference in New Orleans, November 16-18.
Dr. Bruck, a professor of psychology at Marymount University, Arlington, Va., and a prolific author on information technology, will speak on " Business Solutions for the Next Millennium" on Monday, November 16 — the inaugural day of the conference. The three-day conference is being held at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans.
The conference, the premier insurance technology forum for the property/casualty industry, will focus on how to apply technology to solve insurance-business problems. The conference is sponsored by Insurance Services Office, Inc.'s (ISO) American Insurance Services Group (AISG).
Dr. Bruck's keynote speech at AISG InsTech98 will address changes and challenges confronting businesses in the global market, and the pivotal role of technology in ensuring competitive advantage.
Professor Bruck is an expert on adult learning, organizational change, and group dynamics, and has written several best-selling books on technology that have been translated in several foreign languages. He received a doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of Florida.
For the first time, AISG InsTech98 incorporates ISO's yearly Statistical/Data Quality Conference. AISG InsTech98 offers session tracks on technology-application issues and solutions specifically tailored for insurance executives. Besides general sessions that address broad insurance technology issues, specific AISG InsTech98 sessions are devoted to topics of particular interest to claims, technology, underwriting, premium audit, loss-control and data management professionals.
Release: Immediate
Giuseppe Barone / Erica Helton
MWW Group (for ISO)
201-507-9500 /