As reported in our recent update, the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) previously announced that EDI Claim Release 3.1 for First Report of Injury (FROI) and Subsequent Report of Injury (SROI) was to begin on November 6, 2023. However, in a new development, the VDOL has announced it is now delaying its planned implementation of Release 3.1 for FROI/SROI reporting. As outlined below, the VDOL’s projected start date for Release 3.1 remains unclear.
The VDOL’s new update is posted on its website which provides important information regarding the VDOL’s delay in transitioning to Release 3.1. The information posted on the website indicates, in part, that EDI Claims Version 1.0 will remain in effect until the new release date which, according to the VDOL’s web post, is “to be determined.”
The information posted on VDOL’s website states, in full, as follows:
This notification provides a status update on the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) EDI Claims Release 3.1 for First Report of Injury (FROI) and Subsequent Report of Injury (SROI). VDOL is delaying the mandatory start date for EDI Claim Release 3.1 from November 6, 2023, to a date to be determined. EDI Claims Version 1.0 will remain in effect until the new release date. Updated EDI Tables and EDI R3.1 Timeline will be published to reflect the new start date and they will be posted on the Vermont Worker’s Compensation website. The updated Implementation Guide will also be posted on the Implementation Guide page of the Vermont website. If you have any questions related to the VDOL EDI Claims Release 3.1 Implementation, please contact (author’s emphasis).
In addition to its website post, the VDOL also provided notice of this change via an industry announcement which was sent out via email. This e-mail blast contains similar information to that contained on VDOL’s website as quoted above. However, it is noted that the VDOL’s e-mail blast contains different information regarding the new start date for Release 3.1. Specifically, as noted above, as part of the VDOL’s web post, the VDOL states that the new start date is “to be determined.” However, as part of its e-mail blast, the VDOL states that the start date will be delayed “for approximately 6 months” and that “the new launch date is being finalized and will be announced soon.”
For comparison purposes, the VDOL’s e-mail notice states, in full, as follows:
This notification provides a status update on the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) EDI Claims Release 3.1 for First Report of Injury (FROI) and Subsequent Report of Injury (SROI). VDOL is delaying the mandatory start date of November 6, 2023, for EDI Claim Release 3.1 for approximately 6 months. The new launch date is being finalized and will be announced soon. EDI Claims Version 1.0 will remain in effect until the new R3.1 release date. Updated EDI Tables and EDI R3.1 Timeline will be posted on the Vermont Worker’s Compensation website soon to reflect the new start date. The updated R3.1 Implementation Guide will also be posted on the Implementation Guide page of the Vermont website. The test system will remain active for Trading Partners to continue testing for production certification to be ready for the new launch date. If you have any questions related to the VDOL EDI Claims Release 3.1 Implementation, please contact (author’s emphasis).
Going forward, the author will continue to monitor developments on this front and provide future updates as warranted. In the interim, click here to view the author’s recent articles regarding other FROI/SROI updates and developments pertaining to WCIO product, as well as recording links to our recent webinars on 2023 WCIO updates and the wcPrism reporting solution.
Please do not hesitate to contact the author if you have any questions regarding Vermont’s transition to FROI and SROI R3.1 or how Verisk can help. I can be reached at or 732-887-7556.