Medicare was on the move at blazing pace in 2021! Leading the way was the PAID Act (set to go live on 12/11/21), several Section 111 reporting updates, and new WCMSA trends. From another angle, Commercial Repayment Center (CRC) recovery practices continued to present challenges on many fronts, while Medicare Advantage Plans (MAPs) continued their successful march for “double damages.” Also, CMS’s final Section 111 penalty provision and “future medicals” are waiting in the wings. This webinar tackles and recaps all these key Medicare happenings, examines their claims impact, and outlines issues to watch in 2022.
Who Should Watch:
Claims managers; Risk managers; Adjusters; Compliance and other interested personnel from insurers; Third-party administrators; Self-insureds; Attorneys
Presentation Date:
Monday, December 6, 2021