Undisclosed drivers not listed on auto insurance policies are the leading source of mispriced risk, accounting for an estimated $12.5 billion in annual premium leakage for personal auto insurers.1 Approximately 40 percent of these drivers are under age 25, and it takes an average of 13.6 months for newly licensed drivers to be added to policies.2
Address premium leakage and hidden driver risk throughout the policy life cycle using our innovative tools for identifying undisclosed driver information.
Take on hard and soft fraud in real time by identifying hidden drivers of all ages—at a household level—with superior multisource data and analytics.
Quote more precisely with powerful prefill, realign price to risk at renewal with timely insights, and avoid claim surprises from hidden drivers.
Meet rising expectations for fast, easy, buying experiences and spare customers from lengthy web applications and intrusive questions about household details.
Verisk’s innovative undisclosed driver data and analytics can help you solve one of the leading challenges for your book of business.
Gain insights with Verisk's exclusive Coverage Verifier solution, state DMV records, and trusted third-party data sources, including drivers who are covered on other policies.
Boost cross-selling by uncovering hidden drivers: Household members, demographics, licenses and new licensees, residency, moves, and validated addresses.
Fine-tune your program with versatile, targeted options based on geographic footprint and cost requirements.
Connect with Undisclosed Driver information via Verisk’s LightSpeed® and RISK:check® Point of Sale platforms, with a standalone API, or through batch file processing.
Accelerate quotes by integrating hidden driver analytics at point of quote. Automate tailored workflows, boost conversion rates, and drive profitable growth.
Future-proof your business with a partner that puts you in the driver’s seat.
Accelerate data-forward quoting and modernize buying journeys to keep more business in the pipeline and boost conversion rates.
Gain a chronological, 360-degree view of risk, unlock predictive behavioral patterns, and discover multiple use cases.
Harness data-driven analytics to detect fraud and take on premium leakage across the policy life cycle.
Rethink MVR expenses—one of the costliest aspects of auto insurance underwriting—with a transformative solution.
Leverage the strong link between mileage and claims to strengthen your underwriting and rating.
1 Updated 2022 estimate based on Coalition Against Insurance Fraud’s The Impact of Insurance Fraud on the U.S. Economy, pages 23-26, applying overall annual premium leakage increase to Verisk’s estimate from The Challenge of Auto Insurance Premium Leakage, 2017
2 Verisk client experience