Inflection™ provides a dynamic inflection point in the development of consumer credit as a tool to evaluate risk sensibly.1
Microsegment risk by harnessing a recognized source of valuable insight into policyholder risk with 2.8 times lift.2
Harness Verisk's auto credit model filings in all 48 states where required and allowed for use.
Evaluate consumers with a balanced framework to reduce premium leakage and avoid adverse selection.
Leverage a dynamic, trended-credit model that spans financial cycles and is designed for today’s digital consumer.3
Cut underwriting expenses with InitialQuote Score—get a full score at quote for a fraction of the bind order cost.4
Stay up on the latest strategies to refine pricing and -manage expenses, and learn about new credit-based insurance score innovations.
Tap into co-developed innovation by global leaders in credit data, analytics, and technology—Verisk and Equifax.
Microsegment your book dynamically with superior insights into policyholders that can help you better align risk and price.
Understand each consumer's risk profile more clearly with insights on manageable credit behaviors and severity of specific attributes.
Apply customized Inflection scores to personal auto and homeowners insurance quotes.5
Optimize quote workflow by obtaining a full score at quote for a fraction of the bind order cost.
From marketing with Inflection PreScreen to renewal, Verisk and Equifax have you covered.
Future-proof your business with a partner that puts you in the driver’s seat.
Accelerate data-forward quoting and modernize buying journeys to keep more business in the pipeline and boost conversion rates.
Harness data-driven analytics to detect fraud and take on premium leakage across the policy life cycle.
Achieve precise and optimized quotes by integrating claims data upfront, plus a new crash report enhancement for auto.
Rethink MVR expenses—one of the costliest aspects of auto insurance underwriting—with a transformative solution.
Upgrade your MVR solution with more than 2 billion court records and over 300 million crash records for a clearer picture of driver risk.
1 National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Credit-Based Insurance Scores, February 18, 2020.
2 Verisk analysis of 30 million anonymous credit-active consumer records using Equifax and ISO data, 2020, 2.8 times lift between the lowest and highest risk bands in predicting losses over control models that don’t include credit-based attributes.
3 The average Inflection score varied only 11 points out of a range of 600 across economic cycles:, Verisk-Equifax study of a random sample of 6 million+ anonymous credit-active consumer records from the first quarter of each year from 2009-2010 where an insurable interest could be identified, 2020.; As of June 30, 2020, Equifax reports inquiries for mobile phone, internet, and pay TV account openings as “soft” inquiries, and Inflection does not decrease scores for these digital consumers.
4 InitialQuote Score is patented and trademarked by Equifax;, full-price Inflection score orders at bind include the required reason codes.
5 ISO has not yet filed an optional rating rule for using Inflection with personal property policies. A company wanting to use the Inflection model for personal property would need to make an independent filing.
6 Full-price Inflection score orders at bind include the required adverse action reason codes.