Watch how Claims Coverage Identifier streamlines your workflow by consolidating crucial auto coverage information into one easy-to-use report, resulting in greater efficiencies and less work for your team.
Drive faster claims resolution with correct policy and coverage identification fueled by 1.8 billion claims from our ClaimSearch database. This data accelerates the subrogation process and enhances its accuracy, providing a robust foundation for effective, timely resolution.
This all-in-one auto claims report redefines the landscape of claims navigation by creating an interactive process that transforms how claims are handled from FNOL through subrogation.
Claims Coverage Identifier provides complete insights by leveraging our unique datasets, elevating report accuracy and ensuring reliability for decision-making.
Explore this detailed report that includes coverage, ownership, contact, and claims information as early as FNOL, designed to optimize operational efficiency and minimize potential losses.
Information like ownership details, including year, make, model, VIN, plate, and registered owner name/address, comes straight from official government databases.
The report pulls recent policy information, including the current carrier insuring the person/vehicle or the carrier that insured the person/vehicle on the date of loss.
Our dynamic reporting system lets you access additional reports via drop-down menu. Reports like vehicle sightings, vehicle searches, property profiles, background check reports, and financial stress reports give you key info to complete your claims.
Reports include vital policy information for conditions like multiple active policies, loss occurring within days of a new policy inception or cancellation, and no-pay-no-play laws.
The report allows users to search by name and address, VIN number, and license plate number at all stages of the claim life cycle.
Get a complete picture with details like name, aliases, current and past addresses, plus six to nine phone numbers and emails in our report.
Claims Coverage Identifier is part of a full suite of claims solutions that provide compliance, claims development, and deeper fraud analysis tools.
Fast-track claims while improving fraud detection with access to data from more than 1.8 billion claims.
These models deliver enhanced claim scores and reason codes to detect potential fraud and support investigations.
Advanced analytics and expert clinical oversight to detect medical provider fraud, waste, and abuse.
This automated process applies a series of algorithms to every customer-submitted loss photo to expose anomalies.
Get hundreds of supplemental data reports to enhance claim analysis and investigations.
Discover the hidden relationships and connections among claimants, providers, and businesses.