I’ve written before about how gratifying it is to me personally to know that iiX, and particularly our committed team, consistently provides excellent service and value to our customers. Each year we conduct a survey and our customers consistently tell us so. In fact, we’ve been surveying customers for 16 years straight – and we’ve achieved an average rating of 96 percent in overall customer satisfaction.
Who do we survey? We certainly want to hear from the corporate executives and decision-makers at the companies we serve. But we also want to hear from the people who rely on iiX day in and day out to get their job done. They consistently tell us how our products and services—and especially our people—make their difficult jobs easier. And sometimes they make great suggestions that lead us to improve our offerings.
Our daily focus
We may conduct a survey once a year, and we often find the results—especially specific customer comments—extremely helpful. But here at iiX, we also have a daily focus on our customers. We’re listening to them every single day.
One way we listen is by asking our support representatives to honestly rate the nature of each customer service call they handle. At the conclusion of each customer call, our representatives check off an indicator—a simple “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” icon – which reflects their honest assessment of whether the customer was having a positive or negative experience and how satisfied the customer felt when they hung up the phone.
A “thumbs down” rating will prompt the support representative to consult their manager, and I’m also alerted to any potential problem. Often, we’ll call the customer back to get further clarification or to resolve an issue.
The bottom line: Each day we listen to our customers and respond quickly to resolve any concerns they may share. Maybe that’s why when survey time comes around, iiX continues to earn those high marks.