Global terror remains an important risk for the insurance and reinsurance industry, particularly given heightened geopolitical sensitivities. Improved risk and capital management require a more thorough understanding of historical losses, as well as what they could mean given today's threats and exposures.
Explore the impacts of extreme events that have no historical precedent, including conventional bomb blasts; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons; and airplane crashes.
Evaluate terrorism risk deterministically, probabilistically, and geospatially, all on a single platform for a comprehensive assessment.
Run a ring analysis with user-defined damage ratios, dynamic ring analysis, or by using terrorism risk maps and indexes from Verisk Maplecroft.
Select a known location in the US or 27 other countries, or a target in Verisk’s landmark database, and choose from a variety of weapon types to test custom “what-if” attack scenarios.
Get damage and loss estimates that reflect the size, location, and intensity of conventional bombs within a built environment—from the exterior to the interior of buildings.
The modelling framework simulates damage at a fine and realistic resolution: latitude/longitude at 1km for the entire United States, plus finer ZIP Code resolution for 15 metropolitan areas.
This data set includes prominent buildings, headquarters of Fortune 500 companies, transportation hubs, sports venues, government buildings, and many medical and educational institutions, plus 100 “trophy” targets with a high probability of being attacked.
A catalogue this large helps reduce uncertainty in the variability of losses.
The models support 45 construction classes, 110 occupancy classes, and five urban density classes.
The models support policy conditions like franchise deductibles, coverage limits, loss triggers, and risk-specific reinsurance.
Residential, commercial/industrial property, mobile home, automobile, and workers’ compensation lines of business are supported.
Loss calculation framework and cellular damage aggregation approach permit detailed loss results for a specific floor of interest.
Our sophisticated modelling tools and data play an increasingly important role in helping companies evaluate and manage their terrorism risk.
This tool combines the frequency and intensity of five years of attacks with an assessment of the threat posed by active terrorist groups, and whether counterterrorism forces in the country have the capacity to deal with this risk.
Understand your estimated exposure to loss from extreme events today—and in the future.