JERSEY CITY, N.J., May 9, 2007 — ISO has signed a licensing agreement to provide Workers' Compensation Information Services (WCIS) to Utica Mutual Insurance Company, a leading writer of workers' compensation insurance programs. The company, based in New Hartford, New York, is a subsidiary of the Utica National Insurance Group.
Under the agreement, Utica will provide transactional workers' compensation premium and loss information from their source systems to ISO. ISO’s Workers' Compensation Information Services will compile the summary reports required by regulators and submit them on the company’s behalf to workers' compensation rating bureaus and statistical agents in the states where the carrier writes workers' compensation business. ISO’s service will ultimately need to meet requirements for Utica’s policy reporting, unit statistical submissions, and aggregate financial reports.
“ISO’s workers' compensation services will increase our efficiency and effectiveness by optimizing our time and resources for data reporting,” said Harry Dorr, Director of Data Management at Utica National Insurance Group. “The ability to use one source to produce policy data, unit statistical reports, and financial call data — where that data is consistent and balanced across all three areas — is very attractive. With ISO reporting our data, we can now focus on analyzing and utilizing our data rather than monitoring and preparing that data for submissions.”
About Utica Mutual
Utica Mutual Insurance Company, founded in 1914 and based in New Hartford, New York, is a member of Utica National Insurance Group. Utica National Insurance Group is among the top 100 property/casualty insurance organizations in the country and among the largest headquartered in New York State. Utica Mutual Insurance Company is among the 25 largest mutual insurance companies in the nation.
About ISO’s Workers' Compensation Information Services (WCIS)
Data management systems make data reporting transparent to the user. ISO develops and compiles unit statistical reports, policy, detailed claim information, individual claim reports, financial data calls, proof of coverage, and injury reporting for electronic transmission to statistical agents, boards, and bureaus on the carrier’s behalf. ISO’s Workers' Compensation Information Services provide an array of other solutions to carriers, managing data output for internal or external use. Internal management reporting solutions are supported by ISO’s Executive Analytic Solutions Engine (EASE).
About ISO
ISO is a leading provider of products and services that help measure, manage, and reduce risk. ISO provides data, analytics, and decision-support solutions to professionals in many fields, including insurance, finance, real estate, health services, government, and human resources. Clients use ISO’s databases and services to classify and evaluate a variety of risks and detect potential fraud. In the United States and around the world, ISO’s services help customers protect people, property and financial assets.
Release: Immediate
Giuseppe Barone / Erica Helton
MWW Group (for ISO)
201-507-9500 /